Service Excellence

The mission of the University System of Georgia (USG) Service Excellence program is to promote initiatives that unite the System in service and quality.  These initiatives focus on the effective and efficient use of resources to support the success of our students, faculty, staff, and communities.

What is Service Excellence?

Service Excellence is what we do every day by facilitating excellence in teaching and contributing to a nurturing learning environment. 

Why Service Excellence?

Established as priority by the Chancellor, the Service Excellence Program supports Complete College Georgia Objectives and enhances effectiveness and efficiency within the USG.

Who does Service Excellence involve?

All University System of Georgia employees: administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

CSU-Service Excellence Initiatives

CSU Service Excellence Initiatives

Submit a Nomination

Submit a Nomination

The Past CSU Winners

Past CSU Award Winners

How are we doing

How are we doing?

USG Service Excellence Program